Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Photoshop- Frog and Tongue

     In this project I created a frog tongue. I combined two different pictures (frog, mouth) into one. There are a lot more steps in this one than the last one. First you have to crop the frog picture so it's just the frog and no background. Then, you position the frog so that it has the same curvature in the shape of the tongue. Next, you use a tool that copies the color of the tongue which you then add to the frog so it gives it the same color. That process is tedious and a little time consuming because you have to get just the tongue color and not the teeth or lips. After that, you have to use an eraser to erase the hind legs and keep the shape of the tongue so it all flows. Then, you have to blend the frog shape to the tongue at the edges so it flows. Once all that is done the frog almost looks realistic in the shape of the tongue. There are some other tools you can use to help darken and lighten up some areas so it looks even more real. This project was fun to do and I feel like I did pretty well on it. I liked it better than the last because I knew more of what I was doing on this!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Photoshop- Pancake Jaws

     Today we used Photoshop to make this pancake with jaws. First you start with two different images (pancakes, fish with jaws). You upload the pancake picture and worked with it so you could fit the jaws on the picture so it looks almost real. You widen the space where the jaws will go. Next, you upload the picture of the fish with the jaws and crop and cut it so just the jaws are there. Then, you fit and adjust the jaws so they fit in the hole in the pancake. Afterwards you can do some editing around the edges to it flows better. I had to go back and mess with the hole in the pancake a couple of times before I got the shape I wanted. This was harder than it looks, but also pretty interesting and fun to work with. This is not that great but I hope to work with it some more and perfect other projects I do in Photoshop!